About Holly’s Adventures in Homeschooling
Hello and welcome! I’m Holly, and I’ve been blogging about homeschooling and homesteading since 2015. My journey with homeschooling started in 2013 when I first learned about it from an article I found on Pinterest. That’s right until 2013 I had no idea homeschooling was a thing. Instantly I felt called to homeschool my children though, so I learned everything I could. Now here I am over 10 years later.
Homeschooling is about more than just an education to me. It’s about connecting with my children, in a world that is so hurried that we often miss connections with others. It’s about preserving the magic and wonder of childhood. It’s about encouraging interest and letting them learn at their own pace.
A huge inspiration for me and my educational planning is Charlotte Mason. I am not a 100% pure Charlotte Mason homeschooler but I do strongly believe in her philosophy of education. We are what I would call Charlotte Mason-Inspired homeschoolers.
My journey to homesteading started as a teenager spending summer days hanging out on my best friend’s family homestead. It’s where I first learned about honeybees, foraging for mushrooms, and how much better herbs taste when they are fresh! I feel like the homeschooling and homesteading communities often overlap. They share a lot of the same principles for slowing down in a busy world. If you are a homeschooler, homesteader or you want to be welcome!
Start Homesteading
- From Scratch
- Keeping Chickens
- Homeschooling
- Gardening
- Canning
- Homemaking

Access a Library of Free Homeschool Resources
in Our Freesource Library
Explore our Freesource Library, a treasure trove of curated free resources for your homeschool. This exclusive collection, available at no cost, is packed with free curriculum, unit studies, virtual field trips, and much more, all crafted to support you and your budget for your homeschool success!

Here on this website, you will find encouragement for homeschool moms, homesteading, and gardening advice. I share lots of free and affordable homeschool curricula. My curriculum is created with a whole family approach. It is meant to be done with a wide variety of ages. Our goal is to foster those creative connective moments that make homeschooling so beautiful.
But this blog isn’t just about what I do; it’s about what we can learn together. It’s a space for sharing knowledge, inspiring each other, and building a community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for a slower more connected way of life.
So, whether you’re an experienced homesteader, homeschooler, aspiring first-time gardener, or simply curious about this way of life, I invite you to join me on this adventure. Let’s learn, and thrive together!
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Introducing the
Magical Mornings
Homeschool membership
Where homeschooling becomes a delightful journey for both you and your children! Imagine a hassle-free, open-and-go experience that infuses your home with warmth, joy, and connection. Dive into enchanting nature studies, captivating history lessons, creative writing adventures, and the magic of folk songs. With artist studies, watercolor practice, and heartwarming short stories, each day becomes a cozy exploration.

Start Homesteading
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