Christian Kids Explore Earth and Space Review

If you follow my blog at all, you probably know my son LOVES science. He really excels at it too. We have done many unit studies based on his natural curiosity and fascination with the world around him. We have also burnt through several science books during our homeschool journey.

Christian Kids Explore Earth and Space arrived in our home just a few weeks ago, after I was selected to be a brand ambassador. I was nervous I would not like the curriculum, and would have to decline the partnership. When the book arrived however I was so impressed I knew I would be using this curriculum again regardless.

I have to say that so far this has been the best science curriculum we have ever used. In the past we have had issues with curriculum not suiting my little kinesthetic learner. This curriculum is very well-rounded and suits multiple learning styles. I am a visual learner myself and could instantly tell this curriculum would have worked beautifully for me too.

My son loves the experiments that are included with each lesson. I love that Stephanie Redmond includes a list of supplies need in the book. Most of the items we need are already lying around the house, a simple trip to the store scored the rest at a minimal cost.

Stephanie also has outlined the book in a way that makes prep work as simple as popping a disc into the computer and printing out the worksheets for the next week. I love that. I literally spend 5 minutes printing the printable(s), placing them into a folder and flagging the page we are going to read. It is organized beautifully.

While Stephanie has suggested that you take 2 days a week to work on science in bigger chunks, I can easily see this working at virtually any pace. My son is a science every day kind of guy. We have easily made it work for us as a daily lesson.

If you’re looking for a well-rounded science curriculum this is definitely an excellent choice. It is well written, and comes with a wealth of hands on, and visual aids. Your student, depending on age may benefit from being read the lesson, or reading it themselves. The curriculum is written in a way that suits a variety of ages, and would make a wonderful curriculum for a multi-age families.

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