H is for Handmade
The holidays are upon us once again. I love the holidays, the whole feel of them- except the overwhelming message blared at us each year to SPEND MORE MONEY. I prefer my gifts to be heartfelt and that doesn’t mean spending a lot. One of my all time favorite gifts was from my sister- an embroidery hoop that she stitched a heart rhythm on. I work in healthcare, in the cardiac field so it was so cute!
This year my son and I have been creating some goofy tee shirts to give to our family. We even made a few for his siblings. Another reason I love to create handmade gifts is the time spend with my kids creating them!

It makes for great homeschool lessons in science and life skills. My kids also very much enjoy being crafty! To see this and all the awesome handmade gifts we are attempting this year head on over to Life of a Homeschool Mom for her awesome ABC’s of homeschooling through the Holidays series!