How Can Help Set You Up For Homeschool Success
How can help set you up for homeschool success, check out my review of the Yearly Membership and video tour below!
As our 2016 school year begins I like to take a moment to reflect on the things that have worked well for us over the last year, as the saying goes don’t fix what isn’t broken! Then I assess my goals for the next year and write them down. After that, I take a look at my budget and look to see if there is anything else I would like to add to the coming year.
For quite some time I have been looking to add an art curriculum and I have had trouble finding something I thought would work for both Boober (my preschooler) and Red (my tot).
At the end of last year, I was delighted to receive an offer to join the Schoolhouse Review Crew. The first review I was asked to do for the crew happened to be I had strongly considered a membership to when it went on sale last year but I wasn’t sure how much would be available for my younger homeschoolers.
I can see how this would be a wonderful resource a working outside the home mom like me. The courses are set up for you, some might require some minimal prep but there are many that don’t. This would also benefit a homeschool mom who deals with chronic illness. I love how it has an amazing amount of resources for me. As a Type B mom, having access to a tremendous amount of resources in one place has greatly benefited me. Now I am not saying that this is the magic formula that you need, but this is an excellent tool with resources that can give your 2016 homeschool year an edge.
If you like what you have seen from you can sign up to start your $1 30 day trial here! You can read more reviews from other crew members right here.
BONUS!! I have a coupon code for you to use to get 50% off a 1 year membership!
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Disclaimer: I was given this yearly subscription Schoolhouse Teachers to review for The Schoolhouse Review Crew free of charge. I have written my honest opinion of this book for this review. I was given no other compensation for the review.